Air-Powered Soft Robotics
Soft Deformable Snake Robot and Simultaneous Pneumatic Actuation Manifold System

Subterranean Robot Locomotion
Robot with Novel Locomotion Method Inside Granular Materials

Swarm Sorting
Brazil Nut Effect Sorting Simulation with Kilobots

Drawing With Sawyer
Custom Portraits Drawn with a Sawyer Robotic Arm

Chatbot trained in English and Mandarin with Transformer Model from Google Brain
DIY Localization Sensor Network
DIY Microcontroller Ultrasonic Sensor Network for Trilateration and Localization

Robot Perception
Nao RoboCup Soccer Perception

Swarm Coordinate System
Local Coordinate System Creation with Kilobots

Mars Habitat
Design and Prototyping of Closed-Loop Habitat for Plants on Mars
Line-Following Car
Laser Cut Car for Line Following with Microcontroller and Camera
Inspiration and Dreams
I am a roboticist and software engineer with experience in embedded systems, backend engineering, data pipelines, and machine learning. I am inspired by nature and the people around me to change the world through robotics and intelligent systems. In doing so, I hope to break down barriers so that people can better communicate and exist in a space together that we can all call home while exploring beyond our own blue marble of a home as well.