Mars Habitat


This project began as a spring semester course in the architecture department at Carnegie Mellon University with an interdisciplinary group of scientists, artists, and engineers. We collaborated with advisors from NASA, ESA, and other experts in the relevant fields. This culminated in a first prototype and draft design at the end of the semester which I continued work on in the summer and into the fall of 2016 with Christina Ciardullo, Nickie Cheung, Anthony Nitche, and Jeremy Hyde in a revision second design after feedback from the advising experts.

We were invited to the poster session at American Society of Gravitational and Space Research 2016 Conference in Cleveland, OH to discuss and show the project results at that point in time.

I designed a skin system allowing for resource distribution, protection, and proper growth of plants in conjunction with other elements in the closed loop system and contributed both to the sensor pod creation, rapid prototyping of the first physical model, and background research leading into designs across the board, especially the balance between organisms and how to best support them.

An article on the project can be found here


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Evanston, Illinois USA